Sunday, February 26, 2006


Artist / Band: GHOST BUFFALO
File Under: Rock / Folk / Indie

Info: Ghost Buffalo's debut full length reminds me of good whiskey. Both are smooth, but have a comforting burn to them that lingers long after your sample is gone. During depressing times I can see myself finding comfort in both, probably at the same time. But mostly it's because like good whiskey Ghost Buffalo reminds you how bad the generic stuff really is. Here's the thing. Ghost Buffalo breaks exactly no new ground. They're pretty straight forward country inspired rock and roll. What makes this album so memorable is the passion and heartbreaking soul of vocalist Marie Litton. Channeling the spirit of Emmylou Harris and Joni Mitchell is no small feat but Litton pulls it off with shinning colors. The fact that the rest of the band (including Plans Mistaken for Stars' ex-axe man) kicks out the country flavored indie rock jams without ever being over shadowed or over shadowing is a testament to the bands cohesive sound. It's rare when you hear a group that sounds this connected, but Ghost Buffalo sounds like they've been writing together for years. This is a record for the whole family. Not in a PAX movie of the week sort of way, more gather the family around the fire and finally all agree on something to listen to. There is something that will appeal to pretty much everyone, except your metal head little brother, but no one cares about him anyway (It's ok; it makes his angst deeper). Take a shot kids; this is the good stuff. (Ed. By take a shot I mean listen to the music. No drinking until you're 21 or you are sooooo grounded mister!) read more from the source...

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