Artist / Band: HARD-FI
Song: Cash Machine
Album: Stars Of CCTV
File Under: Ska/Grime/Rock
Label: Necessary Records
Info: Lock up your iPods, Middle England: here come Generation Asbo. Scowling into rock’s Bluewater with their disco-sequinned hoodies pulled over their brows and glowstick ankle tags flashing, Hard-Fi watch the security cameras whirr in their direction and clock the undercover filth taking up pincer formation. They take a moment to pose for the lenses – hey, they’re superstars of the surveillance room after all – then LLLLEEEGGGIIIITTT! Tearing down the aisles of punk heritage, they snatch and grab with well-cased precision: ‘London’s Calling’ into an inside pocket, ‘The Marshall Mathers LP’ into a thigh pouch of their combats, the skankier bits from the first Gorillaz album and The Rapture’s spare cowbells down the front of their pants. Then they burst out of the fire escape and burn off in a stolen Fiesta, stopping only to happy-slap The Dead 60s for trying to start a shit copyist ska revival in the car park. Bare rock-pilfering, bruv! read more from the source...
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